How many of us can separate the point of the rant from it's volume? Just because someone has lost their temper, does that mean that their point is invalidated?
I think wisdom is generally in short supply. One of my favourite cartoon books has an ordinary guy say, "May God grant me the strength to change the things I can, the wisdom to recognise the things I can't, and a red Ferrari."
I think that the opposite is also true. Someone telling the most outrageous lies will be believed, if they say it calmly and with sincerity. - 'cause no one can fake sincerity, right?
Moving onto the kinky stuff: I prefer my mistresses to look dangerous, but not
be dangerous. I also like them to not loose their tempers. I think I've said this before: She might punish you, but she's never angry with you. It's the only way to remain safe, sane
and consensual.
How many of us can say we also apply this principal to outside BDSM?