Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Are You A Worthy Person?

Are you reliable? When you say you're going to do something, do you? (Even small things like, "I'll see you at six." And not five past!) How much of what you say comes true?

Barring the unforeseen, I often feel that a worth of a person can be measured by the percentage of what they say coming true. I don't mean a wish for world peace and an end to poverty and hunger. I mean the everyday things over which we all have absolute control: Meeting someone at an agreed time and place, returning a book or DVD, and keeping the item in good condition.

Are you a worthy person, deserving of the trust others show you? Then, enjoy...

Truth or dare?

Okay, dare it is. I dare you to monitor how many truths to how many lies you tell others. Make a New Years resolution: up the proportion of truths.


Throne said...

Your caption for the next to last photo is perfect. Her teasing and manipulative tone suggests that she is expert at the psychology of controlling her chaste man.

ptathuk said...


Nice to hear from you, again. I'm sorry I missed some of your earlier comments, on other posts. I think I've read them all, now. (Added my comment, too.)

Thank you for your continued encouragment.

Has any new story ideas come to mind? Or maybe chapter 2 of some of the ones already on Altarboy?


Throne said...

Yes, I have a new story on Altarboy today, the same day I got your comments. It's called CUCKOLDED WITH LOVE and was inspired by your other site. Hope you and your readers enjoy it.

ptathuk said...


I couldn't stop reading it, until I'd finished. Lovely. I'm a sucker for a romantic love story, as you know? Maybe this one will get a chapter 2? I do hope so.

Thank you
