In my fantasy world, I win the lottery each week, (2nd prize will do!). I can then get that nice little mansion, your know, with the playroom. My playmate can read my mind, and vice-versa. We can indulge ourselves in a soup of love, lust and endorphin rushes.
And then I wake up. Sigh!
Meanwhile, back at the love ranch...
It's interesting that most of your captions depict realistic consensual relationships in which the female top is happy to please. Is this a conscious choice of yours?
I'm an incurable romantic! Or at least I think I am. It may just be my male perception of remanisism; I just can't experience it from the female point of view, first hand.
At the end of the day, I'd like the lady to enjoy what she's doing, just as much as the guy, so yes, I guess it is conscious.
>I'd like the lady to enjoy what
>she's doing
Yes, but your particular theme seems to be that she's aware of it as a mutually pleasing game - she's not just enjoying being in charge, she's enjoying pleasing her lover. Nothing wrong with that, btw.
I guess we're all lonely for a soul-mate. My captions show a mixture of things I'd like to try, and fantasy stories I'd like to be told, while I'm a captive audience. Which is which only my soul-mate can tell. :-))
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